plist conversion on Mac OS X

If you want to edit a plist file in text format, first convert it from binary format to xml format using plutil [1]: plutil -convert xml1 yourpropertyfile.plist After editing in text format, convert back the property file to binary format using plutil [1]: plutil -convert binary1 yourpropertyfile.plist [1]

Remove all contacts on your Jolla phone

Ever wanted to start over with contact sync by deleting all contacts from your Jolla phone? Be sure to have a proper contacts backup  before proceeding! Stop contacts service: systemctl –user stop contactsd.service Remove all contacts from your Jolla phone: devel-su –privileged rm -rf /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Contacts/qtcontacts-sqlite/* Restart contacts service: systemctl –user Read more…