Jolla firmware 1.0.38 cannot sync CalDAV or CardDAV (Google and Microsoft Exchange only atm), so we’ll fix this now by using a Sailfish OS port of SyncEvolution. Sure, there’s the famous buteo syc framework, but there’s a lot of work to do.

Have you backed up your calendars and contacts? If not, you’re advised to do so!

Switch to developer mode, activate root shell (devel-su, su-devel) and proceed with installation of ovekaaven’s SyncEvolution package:

pkcon install zypper
zypper ar -f
rpm --import
zypper refresh
zypper install syncevolution

Start the SyncEvolution GUI, add a new service.

jolla-syncevolution-sailfish-os (1)

For Zimbra, select the WebDAV template.

jolla-syncevolution-sailfish-os (2)

Enter your credentials in the username/password fields (eg. “john@doe“).

Put your CardDAV and CalDAV urls into the Contacts DB and Calendar DB fields:

For Zimbra ZCS, use those values:

  • Contacts DB: https://zimbra.hobel.tld/dav/john@doe/Contacts
  • Calendar DB: https://zimbra.hobel.tld/dav/john@doe/Calendar

For ownCloud, URLs look like this:

  • Contacts DB: https://www.hobel.tld/owncloud/remote.php/carddav/addressbooks/john@doe/contacts
  • Calendar DB: https://www.hobel.tld/owncloud/remote.php/caldav/calendars/john@doe/defaultcalendar (or /home, depends)

jolla-syncevolution-sailfish-os (3)

Leave Sync URL blank!

Select Contacts Mode = Slow (Merge), we’ll need this for the first sync run only.

jolla-syncevolution-sailfish-os (4)

Select Calendar Mode = Slow (Merge), we’ll need this for the first sync run only.

jolla-syncevolution-sailfish-os (5) 

If you want, you can enable AutoSync, eg. every 1h and 45min, pattern: 1h45m. Delay eg. 15m.

jolla-syncevolution-sailfish-os (6)

Save your WebDAV configuration.

Start the sync process.

jolla-syncevolution-sailfish-os (7)

Wait for the sync process to be finished. Check the console output for errors.

If you’re using self signed SSL certs, you’ll get a verification error. To bypass SSL checking (not recommended though), set SSLVerifyServer=0 and SSLVerifyHost =0:

[nemo@localhost ~]$ grep Verify /home/nemo/.config/syncevolution/webdav -R
/home/nemo/.config/syncevolution/webdav/peers/webdav/config.ini:SSLVerifyServer = 1
/home/nemo/.config/syncevolution/webdav/peers/webdav/config.ini:SSLVerifyHost = 1

Select Contacts Mode = Two-Way.

jolla-syncevolution-sailfish-os (8)

Select Calendar Mode = Two-Way.

jolla-syncevolution-sailfish-os (9)

We’re done. Good luck, have fun!

Benjamin Wiedmann

Benjamin Wiedmann is an IT Professional, Software Developer, Photograph and Musician. Read more...

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