Ever wondered how to increase max open files limit in Debian?
Edit limits.conf:
# vi /etc/security/limits.conf
Format of limits.conf file:
domain type item value
Insert or adjust the following entries to fit your requirements for system wide soft/hard open files limit (nofile). Soft is like a warning, hard is a real max limit!
# wildcard does not work for root, but for all other users * soft nofile 4096 * hard nofile 32768 # settings should also apply to root root soft nofile 4096 root hard nofile 32768
Changes should be activated on the next login. No reboot necessary!
To increase them immediatly without logout/login, type:
# ulimit -n 4096
Relogin and verify:
# ulimit -Sn # soft limit # ulimit -Hn # hard limit