You’ve already changed the installation language in Adobe Creative Cloud from German to English, reinstalled After Effects but it doesn’t care about that?

Well, proceed.

Right click on Adobe After Effects icon and select:

  1. Options
  2. Show in Finder
  3. Finder opens

Right click on Adobe After Effects CC 2014 application package and select:

  1. “Show Package Contents”
  2. Look for a folder named “Resources“.
  3. Inside that folder there’s an”AMTLanguages” folder. The structure is:
    • “Contents” -> “Resources” ->”AMTLanguages”
  4. Look for a folder named”English.lproj” in:
    1. “Contents” -> Resources
    2. if it doesn’t exist, language support for English isn’t installed! Please install the English language pack, and then get back to this point. Thank you.

In my case there was a file de_DE.txt containing the string de_DE.

If you want to change the display language from German to English, rename the file from de_DE.txt to en_US.txt, and replace the string de_DE inside that file with en_US. Save the file and restart AE. Language should now be set to English.

Benjamin Wiedmann

Benjamin Wiedmann is an IT Professional, Software Developer, Photograph and Musician. Read more...

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